Return-on-Investment Calculator



ROI Calculator

ROI CALCULATOR - Returns vs Cost


Potential $$$ Left on Table: $

We Charge (p/m) ONLY: $

ROI from this solution (%): %

*** Weekly Missed-Calls is expanded to estimated monthly missed calls as part of this calculation ***

Get An Estimate Of How Much Your Missed Calls Are Costing You

  • Enter the average lifetime value (LTV) of one customer

  • Enter a ballpark estimate of how many calls you missed in the past week

  • Enter the percentage rate at which you close new sales

    Hit Calculate and we'll show you how much money we can make you!

Get An Estimate Of How Much Your Missed Calls Are Costing You


  • Enter the average lifetime value (LTV) of one customer

  • Enter a ballpark estimate of how many calls you missed in the past week

  • Enter the percentage rate at which you close new sales

    Hit Calculate and we'll show you how much money we can make you!

ROI Calculator

ROI CALCULATOR - Returns vs Cost


Potential $$$ Left on Table: $

We Charge (p/m) ONLY: $

ROI from this solution (%): %

*** Weekly Missed-Calls is expanded to estimated monthly missed calls as part of this calculation ***

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